
Interview with Natasha Preston

Introducing Author Natasha Preston. This 25-year-old, English woman has been writing for three years now. Starting out on Wattpad.com, she has now reached over 37 thousand followers, and even more fans through self-publishing her stories.

She specializes mostly in the genres Romance, Young Adult and Thriller, and with nine finished novels, and three published, it’s just a matter of time before she hits a bookstore near you.

I was lucky enough to get her to sit down and answer my questions about how she started and what transpired after that.

The start:

What inspired you to write your very first story? What was it about?

- It's about a girl that loses her dad. He donates his organs and her family end up meeting the heart recipient and his family. She falls for the son, but is torn between him and her friend with benefits. I was inspired to write it when I saw a TV show about donating organs and wondered what would happen if the two families met - usually you're not told who it is.

How many stories did you write before taking the step to publishing?

- I'd written about six or seven before I published my first one.

Have you always aspired to be an author?

- Nope. I never even thought about writing a book before I found Wattpad!



The first book you published was ‘Silence. How was the feedback for that? What made the turning point in self-publishing it? What was the response for the sequel ‘Broken Silence’?  

- The feedback is awesome. I'm lucky that so many people bought the book, even after reading it for free! Broken Silence has better reviews but I think that's because 'the voice' is more mature. I went from a 16 year old to a 20 year old. I prefer it too. 

How did you come up with the title?

- I hate titles. Hate them. I eventually manage to come up with something but I usually write about a million down before I decide!

Is there a message in your works that you want your readers to grasp?  

- The message in the Silence books is that no matter what happens there is a way out. Things can get better.

How much of the book is based on real life events?

- Nope. The things I write are based on thoughts I've had or dreams and I've wondered 'what would happen if…?' My life is pretty boring so it wouldn't make good reading lol! 

How long did it take for you to edit the books? Does it get easier with time?  

- Ew. Editing. I hate it. Usually a couple weeks if that's all I concentrate on. It does get easier because with each book you write you improve so there's less to fix!

Tell me a bit about all your books: What’s the most glorious moment with them?  

- The most glorious moment is that final full stop! Haha. No what I really love is reading people's comments and see in what they think.

Who made your covers?  

- Most of my covers are made by Mollie Wilson - she's amazing. The Cellar was made by Kelly Ashten - also amazing!


What were some of your favorite authors while you grew up? Who’s your current favorite Author?

- Growing up I didn't read all that much, I did like the Jacqueline Wilson books though. My favorite author is Kirsty Moseley. 

Have you ever met any of them? What was it like?

- I've met Kirsty. That was an awesome day!! 

Which genre do you prefer to read? And why?

- Romance. I love love. Haha.

Current work:

Do you have someone specific cheering you on? 

- My followers on Wattpad and my friends and family.

What are you focusing on now?

- Bleh. At the minute I'm almost at the end of one book (finally!) and working on another. And editing two more to publish.

Can we expect more published and/or free works on Wattpad?  

- Both. I love Wattpad - without it I wouldn't be here today. I'll publish and write some more Wattpad exclusives too.

Do you have anything-specific change in the future that you’d like to share?

- Hmm… now that would be telling. Something is coming this year but at the minute my lips are sealed ;)

A bit of goof:

What’s the most blatant lie you’ve ever told about your writing? 

- Um. I don't know really. I've never felt the need to lie about it. For a while I never told my family I wrote so I guess that one.

How do you deal with bad reviews of your work? Do you have any specific way to cope?  

- Oh bad reviews are a part of writing. If you can't deal with it, don't publish. 

What’s been the greatest joy during the process of writing and publishing? 

- Seeing something I've written up for sale, like a proper writer! 

What time of the day do you prefer to work on your books?

- When my son naps and in the evenings is the only time I can write. 

Have writers block ever struck you, and what did you do to come over it? 

- A lot! I can't push it or it's all crap. I usually take a few days off and then come back to it with a fresh mind.

Are the names of your characters important? How do you chose them?

- Names are whatever pops into my head usually, for main characters anyway. Once I have a name it's difficult for me to see them as anyone else. That's what happened with Oakley. It's not really a common or well known name but once I had it she couldn't be anything else.

What’s the best part of writing for a living? What is the hardest?  

- Writing for a living means I get to spend more time with my son. I can be home for him every day and I love that. The hardest is self-motivation. Sometimes you just want to relax and because no one is making you do it you have to make yourself! 

What are some of your greatest accomplishments?

- Being named one of The London Evening Standard's 'London's 1000 most influential people 2012: Generation Next, Rising Stars Under 25. That was amazing!

Why do you write?  

- I love it. 

What’s the strangest thing that has happened while writing?

- A man in an Indian prison contacted me thanking me for my stories. He had a smuggled mobile phone that he read from!

Have you ever killed off a character? Was it hard? 

- Yes and hell no! *evil laugh* although I've never killed off a character I like…yet!

Do you feel emotional connected with any or all of your characters? 

- Yes. You get in their heads so much it's hard not to. Editing fixes that. Editing makes you want to kill them all.

Do you have any tips for the aspiring writers who read this?

- Just write as much as you can and write what YOU love, not what you think other people will like.

Is there something you want to say to your readers?

- Thank you. Love you all.


Natasha Preston currently have Silence, Broken Silence and Covert for sale, you can buy them all on smashwords and amazon: 


For further contact with Natasha, you can either like the Facebook page, follow her website, or connect with her on Wattpad.

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