
New Content, reviews, and what I've been up to.

It's been a while since I posted stuff on here, and I know that's entirely my fault. The summer has been... hard... on me.

But now I'm back! YAY!

I've recently started reading again. I know, it may sound weird to you guys that use the word "again", but the truth is, I haven't bothered reading other people's stuff. Mainly because I was afraid it would interfere with my own writing--which is completely bullocks.

However, that also means I've started reviewing stuff. All my reviews can be seen on goodreads. However, I've also decided to post them on a blog. You can see the link at the top, or simply go to http://www.majadianareviews.blogspot.com and take a look. Share it around if you think someone may like what I review.

I hope everyone is okay <3


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