
Free books!

According to my stats on here, you are most likely from Wattpad. This is great! This means that you appreciate free books, as much as I do.

Therefore, I'm extremely pleased to mention these eight books, which are free until the 20th of May.

Callie - An Enchantress Novel - http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/253900
Free code: LM39T

Feel free to share any or all of these links with your friends, family and anyone else. The authors ask for nothing in return from you, except perhaps a review when you’ve finished reading them. Happy reading and reviewing!

1 comment:

  1. The way the girl on the picture's arms and chest are drawn, as well as reading without glasses made me read it as "I love boobs so much."

    End my misery, kill me now. LOLZ
